“Sexual misconduct is particularly damaging to the reputation of psychiatry because the damages to patients which result are mental and emotional in nature. If psychiatry loses the confidence of society, its ability to pursue its mission will be damaged.”

American Psychiatric Association
Approved by the Board of Trustees
March 1993

sexual misconduct

Ottawa Citizen
December 8, 2012
Psychiatrists are twice as likely as other Canadian doctors to face professional discipline generally and almost four times as apt to be sanctioned for sexual misconduct, concludes a new study that underscores long-held concerns about the specialty.

The Associated Press
April 7, 1987
Two-thirds of psychiatrists say they have treated patients who were sexually involved with other therapists, but they report colleagues for unethical sexual behavior in less than 10 percent of the cases, according to a national survey.

The Tennessean

February 25, 1985
Beginning May 1, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) will no longer cover sexual misconduct, or so-called “undue familiarity,” in its malpractice insurance. Millions of dollars have been paid to settle complaints and lawsuits stemming from sexual misconduct, the largest award being $4.66 million, awarded in 1981.

The Seattle Times

April 11, 1993
Newsweek magazine reported that “65 percent of psychiatrists said they had treated patients who had been sexually involved with previous therapists,” but only 8 percent reported the incidents to authorities.

One woman, Barbara Noel, wrote a book (“You Must Be Dreaming”) about her nightmare of psychiatric sexual abuse. She revealed that the American Psychiatric Association tried to protect her psychiatrist from unfavorable publicity.

Furthermore, Noel’s abuser, Jules Masserman, was not just any psychiatrist, but a past president of the American Psychiatric Association and an honorary life president of the World Association for Social Psychiatry.

The Burlington Free Press

May 26, 2002
A Burlington Free Press analysis has found that 39 percent of the doctors disciplined by state regulators in the past five years have been psychiatrists. Fewer than 11 percent of Vermont’s doctors practice psychiatry.

Further, nearly all the charges involved doctors’ sexual misconduct or abuse of alcohol and drugs.

Beltran Pages, Florida Psychiatrist – Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

Beltran Pages St. Petersburg Times HRS gets veiled look at blots on doctors' records November 20, 1988 By Carol Gentry -- Excerpt ... In another August case, the board pondered what to do about 37-year-old psychiatrist Beltran Pages, who had been found guilty of sexually abusing a patient while in private practice. By the time Pages came before the board, he was working at Health and Rehabilitative Services' Miami hospital for the criminally insane. Board members suspended Pages' license for three years, but agreed that the suspension could be put on hold while he was appealing his case as long [...]

Franklin Simon, Manhattan psychiatrist, charged with 4-year-old girl abuse

Franklin Simon The New York Times State Psychiatrist Held In Sex Abuse of Girl, 4 September 26, 1986 --Excerpt A supervising psychiatrist at the state's Manhattan Psychiatric Center on Wards Island was arrested yesterday and charged with sexually abusing a 4-year-old neighbor girl at his home. The psychiatrist, Dr. Franklin Simon, 45, of 325 Riverside Drive in Manhattan, was charged with first-degree sexual abuse, a felony punishable by up to seven years in prison. State officials said he would be suspended without pay from his $75,000-a-year job pending the case's outcome. Lieut. Richard J. Marcus of the Manhattan sex crimes [...]

Charles Berry, Atlanta Psychiatrist – sentenced to 20 years in prison

Charles Berry Washington Post Customs Service Leads War on Child Pornography By Mary Thornton August 9, 1986 -- Excerpt Dr. Charles Markham Berry, a prominent Atlanta psychiatrist known for his Christian counseling and volunteer work at local orphanages, was sentenced last month to 20 years in prison on federal and state charges of child molestation and child pornography. At Berry's federal trial, U.S. Attorney Stephen Cowen said that "the evil that Dr. Berry has done in his life totally overshadowed the good. He wrapped himself in religious piety and used his position in the church and the community to shield [...]

Rafael Rivera, Army psychiatrist, accused of sexual relations with patient

Rafael Rivera United Press International Army psychiatrist accused of having sex with patient By Neil Roland July 7, 1986 -- Excerpt The Army is investigating allegations against a psychiatrist accused of having sexual relations with a female patient at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center between 1983 and 1985, an Army spokesman says. On June 17, the Army ordered an investigation of charges that Dr. Rafael ''Pete'' Rivera, a colonel, committed sodomy, ''indecent acts,'' adultery and ''conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman,'' Army spokesman Lt. Col. John Ooley said last week... The commanding general at Fort Belvoir, Va., will [...]

Jose Tombo – Michigan Psychiatrist, Accused of Improper Sexual Activities

Jose Tombo United Press International Psychiatrist terminated amid charges of improper activities Dateline: Lansing, Michigan December 13, 1985 --Excerpt A psychiatrist accused of improper sexual activities with patients, including an accused child killer, was fired Friday by the Mental Health Department. Mental Health Director Patrick Babcock said the decision to fire Jose Tombo was made following a disciplinary conference at the Northville Regional Psychiatric Hospital, where Tombo was employed. The doctor, a veteran of about 10 years with the department, can appeal the decision through grievance or arbitration processes. His attorney could not immediately be reached for comment. The action [...]

Robert Stein, chief psychiatrist, dismissed by Army

Robert Stein The Associated Press Army Dismisses Fort Carson Psychiatry Chief Dateline: Colorado Springs, Colorado November 18, 1985 --Excerpt The chief psychiatrist at the Army's Fort Carson Hospital, who is being dismissed because of alleged affairs with two patients that cost him his civilian license before he entered the service, calls the charges "trumped up." Col. Robert Stein's civilian license was revoked in Kansas in 1980 after an investigation showed he had sexual intercourse with two patients, post spokesman Maj. Tom Barnum said today. Kansas reinstated Stein's license in 1983. Stein, 56, chief of psychiatry at the hospital since [...]

Gerald Fink, Silver Spring Psychiatrist, accused of malpractice

Gerald Fink The Washington Post Psychiatrist's Patient Wins Partial Award By Victoria Churchville June 1, 1985 -- Excerpt A Montgomery County jury last night found in favor of a Silver Spring woman who had accused her psychiatrist of malpractice for having an affair with her, but slashed by three-quarters the damages awarded her by a state health claims panel. The jury of nine women and three men, after sitting through an eight-day trial and deliberating nearly six hours, found Dr. Gerald M. Fink, 53, guilty of medical malpractice for his affair with Frances M. Dawson, 44, a former patient. [...]