
Singapore Psychiatrist Chan Herng Nieng

‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’: Woman loses negligence lawsuit against psychiatrist ex-lover
By Louisa Tang
July 19, 2022

— Excerpt

SINGAPORE — A woman who had an extramarital affair with her psychiatrist has failed in her lawsuit against him, after she sued him for negligence for allegedly getting her hooked on pills to manage her anxiety.

High Court judge Tan Siong Thye on Tuesday (July 19) described Ms Serene Tiong Sze Yin’s lawsuit as her “latest episode in her plot for revenge” against Dr Chan Herng Nieng…

Despite ruling in Dr Ong’s favour, Justice See cautioned that he and Dr Chan had “no moral victory” to claim and chided them for their blatant treatment of women as sex objects.

Justice Tan echoed this on Tuesday, writing in his 104-page grounds of decision that Dr Chan’s exploitation of Ms Tiong and other women “for his own perverse desires is debauched, degenerate and highly deserving of censure”…