
Ang Yong Guan

The Straits Times
Psychiatrist Ang Yong Guan found guilty of misconduct over prescriptions that deviated from guidelines
By Selina Lum
May 15, 2024

— Excerpt

SINGAPORE – Psychiatrist Ang Yong Guan has been found guilty of three counts of professional misconduct for departing from guidelines in prescribing various medications to a patient.

Dr Ang is also assistant secretary-general of the Progress Singapore Party, and contested the Marymount seat in the 2020 General Election.

The current case concerned a series of prescriptions Dr Ang had given a former patient, Mr Quek Kiat Siong, which did not conform with guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Mr Quek died of multiple organ failure four days after the last of these prescriptions was issued in 2012. He was 50 years old.

The final prescription included a daily dosage of 60mg of antidepressant medication mirtazapine, which Dr Ang acknowledged went to the “edge of the killing range”.

The patient’s sister lodged a complaint with the Singapore Medical Council (SMC), which brought three disciplinary charges against Dr Ang…