Adrian Buckner
State suspends Kingsport psychiatrist’s license
By Jeff Keeling
February 15, 2023
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WJHL) — The Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) immediately suspended a Kingsport psychiatrist’s license Jan. 24 after he allegedly continued diverting drugs for his own use after an August 2022 drug-induced breakdown.
In the Jan. 24 summary suspension, the state wrote Dr. Adrian Buckner’s “mental state while maintaining an active medical license poses an imminent danger to the citizens of Tennessee” and that the board of medical examiners “believes immediate action is necessary to prevent harm to patients.”
Buckner, who owns Psychiatric Associates of Kingsport, also currently faces multiple charges in Sullivan County for an Aug. 19 incident during which he allegedly abandoned his car in the middle of the road and evaded responding officers. According to the medical examiners’ report, officers recovered a pill grinder with white powder inside it and a bottle of Methylphenidate (a stimulant) prescribed to one of Buckner’s patients.
That same day, Washington County officers found his 80-year-old disabled mother — over whom Buckner had medical power of attorney — alone without access to her food or medicine when they conducted a welfare check. Buckner was arrested Aug. 22 in that case and charged with abandoning or confining an elderly or vulnerable adult with no injury.
An affidavit from that case states Buckner’s mother told a sheriff’s officer she had been trying to reach her son for three days unsuccessfully and had not eaten or been given her prescribed medication during that time.
A few days later (Aug. 25), Washington County Sheriff’s Officers again arrested Buckner after a welfare check at his home, where they found him outside “screaming irrationally and speaking incoherently.”
Buckner’s physician convinced law enforcement to take him to Johnson City Medical Center instead of jail given his recent psychosis and issues. He was involuntarily committed and discharged “medically clear and stable” on Aug. 30…